Loved and owned by Billy Wakeling                                                                                                                 


Some words to help you bring about a positive day..........

I'm sure that you shall all agree that these past few years have been.....shall we say pants!!. I myself also fell pray to this. Thankfully with the help from my loved ones both on earth and spirit I have been re-born, something along the lines of a Phoenix.

What I would like you to realise is that our minds are an incredible source of powerful energy. What we send out with our thoughts or feelings shall be exactly what we get back, and furthermore what shall be sent out to our immediate surroundings, and mother earth herself. So, if we send out negativity then that's the exact energy that shall be around us. Not only shall it affect us, but also those around us, friends, family and loved ones. Whereas if we send out positivity then that's exactly what shall come back to us and be around us, and my oh my how much do we need positivity around us and the world at the moment. 

Another way I like to explain this is as follows..... If we can imagine a dog up above us following us and our thoughts and feelings around daily, just as dogs do. Now if we wake up in the morning and we open the curtains to a damp and dreary day and think to our ourselves "What a horrid day". That thought and energy gets sent up to our dog and he says "I'll go and fetch that for you", and indeed the day ahead does end up being horrid. Whereas when we open the curtains to a beautiful sunny day and we think to ourselves "What a glorious day", again that thought and energy gets sent up to our dog who goes and fetches that for us, and that day does indeed end up being a fantastic day. It's that simple. Our mind and energy that sit and are aligned to each other work in that way, positively or negatively. We hold the key, and whether we know it or realise it we use that each and every day. So please be careful of your thoughts as well as your actions.

Now, we can also use our dog to help us with manifestations. Send up to your dog a dream or wish that you'd like help with attaining. Be careful here that what you wish for is exactly what you desire or need. But also know that when you send that thought up be positive that your dog shall go and fetch that for you. Don't send up that positive energy to only stop halfway with the thought of "It'll never happen to me". Because your initial wish of positivity which your dog has already began to go and fetch for you has now got him to stop dead in his tracks purely as you ended with the negative of It'll never happen to me. Be positive in yourself and your gift which we all share of energy. Use it wisely not only for the benefit of yourself, but to others also. As my dear Nan always used to say to me "Don't ask, don't get", and the answer shall always be no unless you actually try.

So please next time you look out the window to a dreary day change your thought to a positive. Think instead that it's good for the ducks, and bear in mind that we all need some rain at times, to wash away the cobwebs and cleanse us. Even mother earth herself needs the rain to feed the plant life that gives us food on our table, and water for the animals to drink.



Just been to Love and Light wha lovely experience I had Billy was such a lovely person who’s shop it is. He made us very welcome , he had so much lovely things in there crystals Buddhas Angels Incense Tarot and Angelic cards and so much more. I bought a incense holder and a lovely candle can’t wait to go back and buy some more lovely things 🤗



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